Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week Five - Thing # 11


I was very taken with This site is a widget platform and was launched in October 2006 in San Diego which makes it a very local offering for me. It allows you to customize and grab widgets for your blog, website, and desktop.

Widgets often take the form of on-screen tools (clocks, event countdowns, auction-tickers, stock market tickers, flight arrival information, daily weather etc).

The site had a search field for widgets. The Youtube widget with allows you to view videos from YouTube. The countdown widget which lets you create a countdown to a specific event. I also found a RSS widget which lets you add your own RSS feeds. The calendar widget tracks the date and allows events to be added to the calendar. I was impressed with the depth of the website.

I am now noticing the RSS icons on webpages. This week too I have also joined a Ning. The importance of keeping track of passwords for all these applications is apparent. It’s going to be very interesting to track which of all these Web 2.0 tools are going to grow and become market dominators.

And I played Travel IQ and to my chagrin I wasn’t very good!

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