Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week Five - Thing # 12

Rollyo allows the user to take up to twenty five websites or blogs and create a search tool called a Searchroll that searches only those domains. The Searchroll can be edited and modified at any time. Rollyo Searchrolls can be shared with friends. I can see the possibilities of incorporating Searchrolls with Pathfinders for school students as an aid when conducting research.

Have a look at the Rollyo I created for Citation Creators at

Free, online citation help. You can create records for books, web sites, interviews, images, music and sound effects, videos and animation, and more. Records can be formatted in several formats. Each has its own features so find the one you like best.

It was very easy to create my Searchroll which can be found from any browser or computer.

Quick Quotes at was wonderful

Rollyo - very cool, very easy, and totally free!

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