Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week Six - Thing # 13

Exploring del.icio.us was interesting, it’s a great way to keep track of things on the web. If you use computers in multiple locations, say one at home and one at work, delicious can synchronize your bookmarks. I loved the social networking aspect of Del.icio.us, I found myself bookmarking all sorts of interesting things. The ability to see how other users have tagged similar links and how this can lead to discover other websites of interest to me is a strong plus. The interface is simple to use and RSS feeds are enabled too.

And I’ve finally worked out what a folksonomy is! The activity of tagging website addresses (any object which can be identified by URL) is called a folksonomy (folk + taxonomy).

Potential of this tool for research assistance – it’s free. It allows for the identifying, organizing, storing, finding, classifying and sharing of favorite web resources. Because it is a social bookmarking service, not only can favorite information be archived on the Internet, but other new sites can be discovered using ‘collective intelligence’. It is easy to use, no special knowledge is necessary. The sites can be saved and accessed on any computer with an Internet connection. Students love computers – social browsing leads to finding useful links.

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